Global expert in homeopathy for more than 90 years

“The mastery of high dilutions is a skill that our production pharmacists and their teams have been perpetuating since 1932, in a spirit of continuous improvement. With rigour and professionalism, they cultivate a duty of excellence by systematically seeking to combine respect of the homeopathic tradition with innovation”.
Same diligence from the outset
In 1932, pharmacists Jean and Henri Boiron embarked on the production of homeopathic medicines to meet the demand of doctors who were looking for quality products for their patients.
We have remained true to their spirit and that of Christian Boiron by perpetuating the values they ingrained within our laboratory for more than 90 years:
- a respectful, human approach to medicine, corresponding with the patients’ expectations, in terms of the global range of treatments as well as medicines made available to them
- scientific rigour which, combined with our control of production stages, allows us to guarantee high-quality health products for the greatest number of people
- close contacts with doctors and pharmacists, with whom we have built a trusting relationship and sustained dialogue over time, to share experiences
- commitment to advancing medicine, by exploring possible avenues, with audacity and humility.
The commitment of all our employees reflects their passion and pleasure in successfully carrying out our mission. They cultivate this duty of excellence so that homeopathic medicines are better integrated into medicine, more useful for doctors, pharmacists and the health of patients.
Boiron key figures
Did you know?
It is under the impetus of the Boiron Brothers that homeopathy became part of the French pharmacopoeia in 1965, before it was listed in the US pharmacopoeia in 1982 and in the European pharmacopoeia in 1995.

“Our commitment: allowing you to confidently rely on reliable homeopathic medicines, useful for professionals and beneficial to your health…”

To guarantee the utmost reliability of all our products and meet the regulatory requirements of health authorities, we opted for full control over their design and production.
Most of our medicines are manufactured in France, on our own production sites. The raw materials are collected or grown nearby by specialised partners whom we audit regularly. They are processed via high-technology industrial equipment that we have developed to adapt to the unique homeopathic medicine manufacturing process.
Boiron laboratories in figures
Before manufacturing our products, we integrate a research and innovation unit to work in partnership with recognised research hubs. Our research is guided by a comprehensive approach to patients. It relates in particular to pharmacology, the development of therapeutic solutions to serious diseases and the assessment of our flagship specialities.